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49th Teachers Posts

COVID–19 Teacher Diary: Mental Wellness, E-Learning, and Doing Our Best

by Toni Duval

My last day at work was Friday, March 13, 2020. At that time we didn’t know our March Break would become Emergency Distance Learning. As a Teacher Librarian …

COVID–19 Teacher Diary: How are Public Libraries & Librarians Responding to the Crisis?

by Linda Ludke

It has now been over a month since my public library closed. I’ve tried several times to write this post, but my thoughts keep jumping all around as …

COVID–19 Teacher Diary: Three Middle Grade Novels to Nurture Student Connection

by Geoffrey Ruggero

If you’re looking for middle grade reads with strong, inspirational, female protagonists, then pick up any one of these absorbing novels by Michelle …

COVID–19 Teacher Diary: Equity & Access for All Students

by Jonelle St. Aubyn

In this day and age of widespread use of technology, it’s easy to forget that there are real issues when it comes to the equitable access to devices …

COVID–19 Teacher Diary: An Achievable, Accessible #ActivityOfTheDay

by Jennifer Byrne

The times we find ourselves in right now are uncertain and unprecedented.  But what always sticks with me is this saying from Fred Rogers:  “When …

Introducing the 49th Teachers COVID–19 Crisis Teacher Diary

by Allison Hall

Welcome to the 49th Teachers COVID–19 Teacher Diary, a new blog series that takes a look at how teachers are coping with the pandemic. What does daily …

Earth Hour: Books & Activities to Spark Discussion and Environmental Action

by Allison Hall

On Saturday March 28th millions of people around the globe will turn off their lights and spend an hour without the use of electricity to mark Earth Hour. …

Reconciliation Through Education: Reading Jesse Thistle's From the Ashes with Senior Grades

by Llana Bruggemann

Jesse Thistle’s memoir, From the Ashes, took me on a heartbreaking journey of his life as a homeless Indigenous man. His resilience as he battled substance …

Eight Books that Help Support Mental Wellness in Students

by Linda Ludke

I’ve always been a worrier. In elementary school, I was afraid of speaking in class, and dreaded being called upon, even if I knew the answers. Well-meaning …

Embracing Winter with Inuit Games & Activities

by Monique Cadieux

Settling into the winter months here in Southern Ontario means we try to enjoy some outdoor activities in the snow, as well as finding ways to reclaim …

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